
EAC Slovenian Business Club will have a joint Business event with the Slovenia Embassy in Kosovo with theme: “Slovenia and Kosovo Business Event" on 10 November 2021 from 18:30 to 20:30 in Hotel Sirus in Prishtina.
The EAC Slovenian Business Club participated in the meeting organized by the Committee on Economy, Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade, which held a public hearing on the draft law on foreign trade, where it was requested that the law on protection measures on imports be incorporated in the draft law on Trade. with Outside, as well as to clarify Article 23 in order to avoid ambiguities.
EAC Slovenian Business Club is pleased to invite you to participate in the largest Business Conference in Slovenia "SEE MEET 2021", which will be held online on 20 and 21 October 2021. This year's forum offers a unique opportunity for companies from the following industries: • metal industry and mechanical engineering (production of machinery and metal products), • electrical industry (production of electrical equipment), • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Sector.
The EAC Slovenian Business Club is pleased to inform you that the process of selling tickets for the IV Convention has been officially opened: SUCCESS IS YOUR GOAL. The convention will be held on October 23, 2021, which will be organized in two forms: live and online. It is up to you to choose how you want to join us this year. The convention will be held at the Golden Imperial in Pristina. The speakers and topics that will be addressed will help you in your personal and professional training as well as in your preparation in the field of entrepreneurship. Hurry up to book your place by filling out this form:
We are pleased to inform you that today in Prishtina, 01 October 2021 - an important meeting took place between Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development, Faton Peci, Ambassador of Slovenia in Kosovo, Minca Benedejcic accompanied by the Director of the Slovenian Business Club, Bajram Fusha, with whom he discussed opportunities for further cooperation in the sectors covered by MAFRD, in order to strengthen and further the development of agriculture throughout the country.
We are pleased to invite you to participate in the next event in Celje, Slovenia, on the occasion of the visit of the International Trade Fair MOS 2021. These visits and meetings will take place in the time interval from: 15-19 September 2021. MOS is a business event and is divided into five segments: • MOS Home, • MOS Tehnika, • MOS Tourism, • MOS B2B and • MOS Plus.
EAC Slovenian Business Club has good news for all those interested who want to visit the 59th International Agriculture and Food Fair "AGRA 2021", which will be held in Gornja Radgona, Slovenia, on: 21- 26.08.2021.